Saturday, May 24, 2008

Video Update - Muscle Shrine - Frank The Tank

Frank The Tank shows a different side of himself in this video: Bold, Brash, Confident, and Cocky. With looks and muscle like that most folk expect a little attitude, and the normally sweet and humble Frank shows the power, pride and masculine panache that brought him into the champion ranks as a powerlifter and now bring him into the upper circle of bodybuilding. This is a Frank that commands your worship, service and obedience. He shows not only his muscle but shows that he is a well hung stud that could steal your lover as easily as he could cow you into obliging cuckoldry. He emerges in this video as an archetype of masculinity and virility cowing the viewer. Pay homage to this paragon of muscle, might and motivation. Worship the Tank! JOIN NOW

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LUCIEN said...

Awfully damn fine and shows the great masculinity and intensity of The Tank !